Just the weather

You are the sky. Everything else- it’s just the weather.

– Puma Chodron (Buddhist Nun)

Week 1 of 2021. What can I say? It was a week. Catching up on work, dealing with multiple work and personal crises situations, trying my best to catch up with friends by scheduling calls with them (because we are all grown ups now and that is what we do), and also making sure that the intention I set for the new year was not getting lost in the scramble. It was a week.

But, through the chaos, I was reminded that everything that happens around me is just noise. Something to either learn from or ignore. Something to register, maybe comment on but something that will most likely be different the next day. Just like the weather.

The weather changes daily, weekly, and monthly. Some days are unexpected. Some days are hard. Some days are lovely. We just live with it and make the most of it. We don’t let it get us down.

So, with that clarity I enter this next week.

Needed lots of coffee and clarity this week.